If you’re the type of guy that grinds away at the gym, day in and day out, you won’t make progress unless you take rest and muscle recovery seriously.  

Muscle recovery is just as important for muscle growth as pumping iron in the gym. When you lift your muscle tissue and energy stores are broken down and depleted so it is vital that you plan muscle recovery time between muscle building workouts, get plenty of sleep and fuel your body with muscle recovery nutrients

Top 4 tips for muscle recovery:

Rest your muscles for Muscle Recovery

Rest your muscles for Muscle Recovery

It may seem obvious but getting plenty of sleep (7-8 hrs per night) and allowing your body to rest and rebuild muscle tissue between training sessions in one of the most effective methods for muscle recovery.   Try also to avoid training the same muscle group on consecutive days.  This will allow for faster recovery by giving each muscle group plenty of time to recover and grow..

Take a Muscle Recovery Supplement Daily
Active Muscle Recovery 

Active muscle recovery uses low-intensity activities to help get blood circulating to the muscles and to help reduce muscle pain on rest days or in between intense training sessions.  Including active muscle recovery activities like biking, running on the treadmill, swimming or low intensity rowing into weekly training routine will help your muscles recover and grow faster.

Take a Muscle Recovery Supplement Daily

Take a Muscle Recovery Supplement Daily

To speed recovery and get you ready for your next training session sooner you should be taking a muscle recovery supplement like glutamine. Glutamine supports the maintenance and repair of muscle tissue, energy production and increased exercise performance to help you get better muscle results in the gym.

Stretch for Muscle Recovery

Stretch for Muscle Recovery

Stretching is the one part of most guys training that is often ignored.  However, stretching can actually speed your muscle growth, relax muscle tension and decrease next day soreness, meaning you can get back to the gym faster.  Research shows that stretching straight after you have trained a body part may help to increase muscle mass and shape the muscle as this is when the muscle is most “pumped” and under tension.  You should include both active and static stretching into your routine. Hold each stretch for a minimum of ten seconds.

These 4 recovery tips will help you get muscle results faster and prevent injury.

4 Tips to Fast Muscle Recovery & Growth after Training